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About the Artist


Miranda Greiner is an artist based in New York City, predominantly working in painting. She is a self-taught artist, and trained psychiatrist, who explores the subconscious through the creative process of gestural abstraction. Her work is influenced by the automatism of New York City and contemporary culture. 

Artist Statement

As a psychiatrist, naturally I am interested in the exploration of the subconscious, and what better way to do so than through abstract expressionism. I have been drawn to this approach for years. I first worked with acrylic, spray paint, and charcoal. These mediums matched the rapidity of my creative process, which was often time-limited during my medical training years.

Only recently did I begin to paint with oils. I appreciate the contrasting aspects of painting with oils—the speed at which one can create, and the long drying time that requires patience. Oils are also dynamic, and alive in a way. Oil paint oxidizes and responds differently to light and time. The depth of oils can parallel the depth of emotions or internal states.


Rarely do I paint on an upright canvas. I position the canvas on the ground and dive in to create, unpremeditated. I move around the canvas freely and use squeegees, palette knives, and brushes. There is an indescribable release and freedom that comes with the automatism and physicality of the creative process. Words and complex theories cannot quite capture this. Yet, these abstract depictions are relatable to us all, they are shared experiences and emotions. I invite you to visit my works and experience them in your own meaningful way.

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